Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7. Explain how the video is both an appropriation and reappropriation of sexual signifiers and discuss the implications of the film from both persp..

The following video is both an appropriation and reappropriation of sexual signifiers. First off, the definition of appropriation is the hegemonic action of absorbing or taking in ways of culture into mainstream culture through commodification - global marketing of daily practices and making it a way of life. It changes radically depending on the situation. It is a force planned but not always in dominant discourse. Reappropriation is defined as the act of re-claiming these "cultural practices". Reappropriation involves a strategy, re-evaluation and creation of a whole new meaning from these cultural practices. It is a strategy that the dominant uses for the population in general.

This video is an appropriation of sexual signifiers because the woman is helpless, vulnerable, self-conscious and the man is a tough working hyper-masculinized individual. They are both exercising gender norms. The woman calls the man to help her with her house troubles in hopes to get him to not only fix the problem but notice her. The man fails to address "nice tits", so the woman is doomed to never be good enough always struggling with her self image, particularly her breasts - a key element associated with ideal femininity and the "male gaze" or "male fantasy". Here this video is appropriating how woman are never good enough and are bound to struggle with their appearances because of the "masculinized" media and dominant ideals for ultimate "femininity" - particularly sexual signifiers associated with femininity - breasts.

This video is also a reappropriation of sexual signifiers - that is of female breasts and the pressures from the media connoting favorable breasts appearances. It is addressing the awareness of pressures on women and their physical appearances, so it highlights special "tips" for women to follow in order to achieve (almost achieve) the ultimate appearance of their breasts that connote ideal femininity. These tips of advice are ridiculous, thus the video is also re-appropriating the stupid advice out there for woman found in female magazines and such. Nonetheless, it does provide the many tips out there that woman try. In the end, with the help of these tips, she gets noticed by the man and plays hard to get. The moans and groans from the man and woman are re-appropriations of early stages of pornography. They are not physically having sex, but sound like they are.

How To Make Your Breasts Look Bigger

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